The Prophecy Revealed

HEY! ...This is for not updating in ages. Here's more than one chapter in one day!



Percy's P.O.V (First Person)

Thor, Loki, and I walked through the camp's barriers, only to be greeted with the entirety of the campers standing there, they faces wary.

I saw the Romans, the Hunters, and the rest of the Seven in front of of the group. All except one. Jason. He was missing, and I knew that Jason would never miss a chance to lead - especially if there was another prophecy.

I gave Thor a concerned look before jogging down the hill to Annabeth, "Where's Jason?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Everyone's here. Even Leo and Calypso. And you ask where Jason is. Really Seaweed Brain."

I waved at everyone before turning back to her, "Fine. Great. But even I know that your hiding something. I'm not as dumb as you think I am. Now spill."

Leo inhaled, "You don't like that do you, Annie?"

Annabeth smacked his head, "Don't call me that."

"Baked bean." Frank mumbled, under his breath.

Leo swiftly turned his head to Frank, "Baked- Baked bean? Baked bean?!"

He lit his hands on fire, causing Frank to squirm, "Baked bean that!"

I laughed at the two before looking at Annabeth, "Back to the topic. Where's. Jason."

Annabeth frowned, " might want to sit down..."

I made no motion to sit down, and she sighed, "Percy, Jason's gone."

Just like that, the realization crashed onto me. I fell to the floor. Jason was one of my best friends on the Argo 2. He was a leader and the one person everyone trusted.

He was gone...and I didn't even get a chance to save him.

Annabeth crouched down, "Piper said that he died to a spear in the back. He's in Elysium."

I didn't respond to her, but instead got up and dusted myself off. I had a feeling my eyes were storming because everyone flinched, "We can't do anything about the death of one of my friends." My voice wavered, "Right now, our only choice is to look forward. This attack wasn't natural. Someone's behind it. A new prophecy was issued, and I have a feeling that my encounter with a group called the Avengers has something to do with it."

I looked to Nico and nodded to him. He stepped up next to me and looked over the crowd before taking a deep breath and saying,

"From the ends of the earth

All demigods combined

Fight their fearsome foes

One who is on their side

One shall be lost in the Pit of despair

And one will be lost, mind beyond repair

Never shall they be fine again

Unless the ones lost are fully regained

Help from heroes Undetermined

Death and Sea combined for certain

The Seven reunited once again

Gods' children strive for a bargain

Around the world they go to collect

The pieces must be put together

Heroes of all ages tether

Son of the Sea makes a choice once more

To free the lion god and hear his roar

Warriors strung as one to fight the foe

With the power of his claws the enemies fall

The children wait for the Gods' next call"

With that, Nico looked at me, his lips thinned. I, on the other hand, was actually ecstatic. I scanned the crowd again before saying, "You all heard the prophecy. For now, the best thing to do is train. Keep training. I have feeling we're going to go through another war. Athena cabin, try and decipher some of the stanzas in the prophecy."

At my word, the crowd dispersed, but I couldn't help but grin. Annabeth raised an eyebrow, "Why-"

I cut her off, "You heard the prophecy. 'The Seven reunited once again.' That's us. The seven half-bloods from the second great prophecy. I mean, there's no way it could be another group of seven. It wouldn't make any sense."

She nodded to me, but her face was still grim, "We need conformation Percy. Your theory makes the most logical sense, but it's always good double check."

I nodded to her, my spirits still high. She smiled at me, "Maybe it's time you reveal a little bit of your life to the Avengers. The prophecy, your powers, and the wars. That's it. If they don't figure out your demigod origins by then, then...we'll see what works."

I grinned at her and wiggled my eyebrows, "My, my Wise Girl. Am I hearing, perhaps, that you don't have a direct plan?"

She pushed my nose, making me blink, "No," she laughed, "I'm saying, it's best to cover all our bases. Getting the Avengers' reactions, could give us some insight on what to plan. Besides, you need to spend some more time with them to understand their strengths and weakness. If possible, train them."

I groaned, "Back to work then, huh?"

She shrugged, "A hero's duty Seaweed Brain. And take your cousins with you. I bet they're dying to show you up after that whole hurricane fiasco you had in the battle."

I rolled my eyes, "It wasn't a fiasco and you know it. But fine. I'll take Thals and Nico."

Annabeth nodded and was about to say something when Malcolm ran up to us. He waved to me, "Annabeth, we drew up some plans and charted some theories about the prophecy. Maybe if you take a look we can decipher the first few lines."

Annabeth nodded to him and smiled at me, "Catch you on the flip side, Seaweed Brain."

I laughed and waved to the two of them as they jogged to their cabin. Scanning the area, I saw Thalia and Nico bickering near her Pine Tree. I rolled my eyes, which sore by now, and ran up behind Thalia.

I was about to scare her, but you should never ness with a daughter of Zeus. She electrocuted me without even looking back. Granted, I did step on a few twigs on my way to her, but that's not the point.

Thalia turned around and smirked, helping me up, "Last time you scare me, Kelp Head."

I grinned at her, "Don't count on it, Pinecone Face." I faced her and Nico, "Anyway, you guys wanna come to Avengers Tower with me?"

Nico shuddered, "Nope. It's tall, in the sky, and has electronics. I'm good."

Thalia nodded, "I don't do heights, Percy."

I pouted, "Aw, c'mon! Please? They have a giant training area. We can show off our powers there. Maybe spar?" I shrugged and turned away, "But I mean, if you guys don't want a chance to show me up then..."

Nico groaned, "Fine, we'll do it. But I'm not shadow travelling us there. If I use my powers without Will's supervision, he's going to have my head."

I smirked, "No need to fear, dear Neeks. I got us covered."


Welp. I mean, the prophecy isn't the best, but it'll work for the story.

I know that this story isn't doing anything with Avengers just yet, but don't worry. They're going to be a part of it a lot more. I just needed a base line for the story.

I hope you guys liked it.