Loki's Dream Come True

hEy gUyS! hOw'S LiFe? I'm doing pretty great, considering it's a three day weekend. Yay.

So, you guys ready for the psychology fact of the day? HERE IT IS: If someone can't or refuses to cry, he's weak.

Oh whoa. I agree with that statement. I feel like, people who cry aren't afraid to show vulnerability. Crying is a part of human response, and it's natural. Those who refuse to cry, refuse to show that vulnerability - the part that makes them human. People say crying is a show of weakness - no it's not. It's a show of strength. It's something that show's that you have feelings, you're grounded, you're human.

That's my opinion. What do y'all think?

Anyway, ready for the story? KEEP READING:


Loki's P.O.V. (First Person)

See, if I was Thor, and I most certainly am not, this entire entry would be keyboard smashes, squeals, and just plain insufferable (much like him). Luckily, I have my emotions on check. Rejoice mortals. Anyhow, when I first entered the camp, I'm godly enough to say that, I smiled. I was incredibly...excited.

Seeing Perseus and his friends in action was a childhood dream come true, considering I'm a relatively young god. The black magic that had to be done to revive Jason Grace was powerful. The Greek God of Death had more power than I had anticipated, and so did Percy and Nico.

It was the morning of the counsel meeting. The wise centaur of the camp, Chiron, I believe (don't judge, I learned about them years ago - you can't expect to remember), had called us all - including me, don't be surprised. I am a valuable asset. Weirdly enough, Stark was early. I was the one everyone was waiting for.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. I took my spot next to my young friend Lou Ellen - counselor of the Hecate cabin. Let me tell you, I was in my element when I was there. I half expected Perseus to put me in the Hermes cabin for my mischief aspect, but, as usual, the young demigod surprised me with his actions.

Alright, to the details of the meeting. We took our spots around the sacred ping-pong table. Camp director Dionysus was throwing sausages at Seymore the leopard head, and Chiron was trying to beat Percy in a one on one match of table tennis. Leo Valdez was on the side holding a makeshift microphone, announcing the entire thing like sports narrator.

It was annoying to say the least.

When Chiron saw me walk in, he immediately set his paddle down, ensuring Percy a victory. I saw Percy grin before clearing his throat and taking his spot.

Chiron smoothed out his shirt and smiled kindly, "Straight to the point. It was Percy's idea to call the war counsel. Percy?"

All eyes turned to him. Even Stark, who didn't usually care about anything but himself, waited for Percy's comment. Percy smiled nervously and waved at the people in the room. He cleared his throat before setting a dead serious expression on his face.

H e surveyed the crowd and said,

" From the ends of the earth

All demigods combined

Fight their fearsome foes

One who is on their side

One shall be lost in the Pit of despair

And one will be lost, mind beyond repair

Never shall they be fine again

Unless the ones lost are fully regained

Help from heroes Undetermined

Death and Sea combined for certain

The Seven reunited once again

Gods' children strive for a bargain

Around the world they go to collect

The pieces must be put together

Heroes of all ages tether

Son of the Sea makes a choice once more

To free the lion god and hear his roar

Warriors strung as one to fight the foe

With the power of his claws the enemies fall

The children wait for the Gods' next call"

Percy looked at us, "We all know the newest prophecy. It's our job to figure out what it means before we head out on separate quests - or anything like that. That's why I called the meeting. We need to at least decipher the main parts and figure out what death defying stunts we have to do this time. On top of that, I had a vision a while ago..."

Percy explained the dream of the Titan Prometheus. He had to repair Pandora's pithos and free the trapped creature inside. Percy sighed at the end of his explanation, "So?"

Annabeth was the first one to answer, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, " I have a feeling that we can't worry about the first stanza until we start on out quest. It has something to do with going insane...in The Pit."

Will Solace, the counselor of the Apollo cabin, nodded, "We'll have a traitor, too. We need to be on the lookout. Right sunshine?"

He looked to Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades - who scowled, "Don't call me that. But yeah, sure. Traitor. But what about the demigods from around the world?"

Percy took a deep breath and thought about it, "I'll try to tap in with Grover and see if he could recruit any satyrs to bring both Greek and Roman demigods to camp. Double time. They're going to need training."

Thalia, Hunter of Artemis, leaned on her bow, "Maybe we could help. Any girls we come across can join the Hunters. If they don't want to, we'll hand them over to a satyr."

Percy nodded, "So we have the first stanza figured out, what about-"

Suddenly, Malcolm Pace, Annabeth's half-brother, panted, "We have a visitor, Perce. A few monsters are trying to break through the barrier. The Minotaur is one of them."

Percy groaned and pointed to Leo, "McShizzle, go get the Avengers some weapons and meet me at Thalia's Pine."

Leo nodded, "Roger that!" He gestured for the the Avengers to follow him.

Percy stopped Thor and I at the door, "You guys are gods - well, more like demigods - but your weapons should work. C'mon."

We followed him out of the Big House, the rest of the counselors and Chiron behind us. Percy stopped to assess the situation. He eyes seemed to narrow on the Half-Bull/Half-Man creature. The minotaur. Some of the campers were trying to hold the monsters off.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Campers! Fall back!"

The campers did exactly that, obeying Percy like a dog obeying it's trainer. Pathetic, honestly. Percy turned to us and grinned, "Counselors! Let's show 'em how it's done."

He ran into battle with the camp's leaders and the Seven on his tail. I smiled. Truly a dream come true.


Happy MLK Day guys. I hope you guys took the time to read the previous update. It was important to talk about.

Anyway, thanks for reading! See you soon!