Chapter 14

Third pov:

Midoriya had finally gotten the information he needed and had successfully gotten out of the system, without anyone noticing. Midoriya walked through the halls and down to Todoroki's office. He had to have him look over some things. They needed to figure out what this "secret weapon" is. Todoroki was good at putting things together and that is why Midoriya now was on the way to his office.

When Midoriya reached Todoroki's office, he knocked on the door and walked in. His eyes widened slightly, at the sight he was met with. Bakugou sitting on the table, Todoroki standing in between his legs, both of them kissing fiercely.

They both turned to look at Midoriya when he walked in and seemed to calm down when they saw it was him. Todoroki walked over to Midoriya, leaving Bakugou still sitting on the table.

"Found anything useful?" Midoriya nodded and walked over to the desk, placing one of his computers on it.

"They didn't have that much laying around, so they probably knew that we would try something like this" Todoroki nodded, they had expected something like that.

"But they did have something, which was written in code. Midoriya showed a notepad on the computer. It had words written on it:

(1905001845) Asnox åukv qj, asnox åukv koxnøoå.

(1702995468) Toq con noa, wox cs ukx suuo qyoøo noa rovo zkk ox qkxq!

(1905001845) Lkøo åufxn nsq, ovvoøå oxnoø no won ka psxno bn kp noa.

(1702995468) Nox oø åxkøa pkoønsq yq xkkø nox oø, csv cs qkk asvlkqo yq okxnøo asnox pyø kvasn.

"The code was pretty easy to break" Midoriya explained, "They wrote to each other in Danish, but also hiding it by using a code. It says:"

(1905001845) Tiden skal gå, tiden skal aendres.

(1702995468) Jeg ved det, men vi kan ikke goere det hele paa en gang!

(1905001845) Bare skynd dig, ellers ender de med at finde ud af det.

(1702995468) Den er snart faerdig og naar den er, vil vi gaa tilbage og eandre tiden for altid.

"Which translates to:"

(1905001845) The time will run out, the time must change!

(1702995468) I know, but we can't do it all at once!

(1905001845) Just hurry up, or they'll figure it out.

(1702995468) It will soon be finished and when it is, we'll go back and change things forever.

Todoroki looked over the codes. "Do you think that they are-"

"Trying to build a time machine" Midoriya finished.

Bakugou looked shocked and confused "How would that even work? There is no way that you could be able to go back in time unless you have a quirk there allows them to. Even then, if they really wish to change something then they'll have to go a long way back in time".

Midoriya and Todoroki nodded. Todoroki then spoke up.

"We'll just have to watch out because, if you can change time, then you can change everything".