
"You guys rest here. I'll go get something for us to eat."

"We don't need anything. We still have...."


"Ummm…..thanks for the offer."

"What do you guys like to eat?"

"As long as it's not squishy, alive, or colorless.....and no odor potent....even if you say it's good for us."

"Nothing gross, got it. I'll be right back.

Now, if I were a fruit, what would I...ouch!!!!"

"Hey, careful where you're stepping, Lady. Some of us are trying to grow here."

"Sorry down there. I didn't see you. I...…uh...who are you?"

"My name is Taro, and I'm a root. Pleased to meet you. May I ask what brings you out so late on this chilly night?"

"I was about to look for food but then remembered, what in the world does a fruit eat?"

"Are.....you okay? Last I checked, you're not a fruit."

"Oh, no, no, nah. This is for my friends. They're being hunted."

"Hunted, you say? By who? A human?"

"Actually, the humans with me."

"The Humans being hunted? You're harboring it?"

"Him. The boy is a him?"

"What did he do?"

"How should I know? They just showed up by my cave. Their were lights, screaming, and running; so I acted."

"That sounds dangerous. Follow me."

"Taro, you look stuck."