

"Hun, get the door, please."

"Already on it."


"Well, if you'd give me a second then I could…..Darius? What are you still doing out here? Who was here earlier?"


"IT'S DARIUS, Hun. It's Darius. Door must've locked on him by accident when he went out to talk."

"Well, tell him to bring his friend in."

"She's not staying, dad. Just came to say hi. We got to talking, lost track of time, and….."

"Time? It's only four minutes past. Come on. You must be baking."

"Speaking of baking, got any watermelon? I could use some after the day I had."

"Day? Son, it's still morning, and you're in your Pj's."

"I know. Just felt like a lot has happened in just a few hours. Thanks for everything you do. Here's a hug."


"Uhh…..thanks son. What's that for?"

"No reason."

"Then you can let go now. Your Grandparents are watching."

"They're still here? I mean….of course.

GRANDMA...…GRANDPA. Aww, it's so good to see you here."

"Well, since it looks like we are all here, then you know what's next. Who wants to eat some cake!!!!