
"Sounds good to me. Again, we are so sorry."

"If their is anything we can do, let us know."

"Their is one thing."

"Such as?"

"How do I help Ruby get whole?"

"Why? I see nothing wrong with..."

"Hey, Zack. Come over here. I think I see a ghost. This girl is floating."

"There's so such thing as ghosts, and girls don't fly."

"Then how do you explain….wait; where'd she go? I swear to you she was flying just now. Let me rewind."

"Ruby, get down, now!!!"

"Darius, she's going to have to learn on her own. You have helped give her a human body with all it's functions, but the ghostly aspects; she'll have to learn to live without."

"So, you're saying that the more she stays here, the less of a ghost she'll become? But she might lose her personality as well. Their has to be something."

"Don't worry. She is not going to be gone. We'll find a way. In the meantime, remind her of herself. Maybe she'll be able to hold onto them."

"But I'm not a ghost."

"Nor is she a human. We'll be in touch."


"Yes, Ruby?"

"I don't want to go, but if I do then would you like to accompany me back to my homeworld so I can properly say goodbye to everyone?"

"I'd love too. First though, let's get you accustomed to my world. Their is so much I want to show you that I don't even know where to begin. What would you like to try first?"