
"Man, I thought you two were never coming down. Can we head back to the house now? My toesies are cold after that swim."

"And I'm freezing."

"We can't go back yet. I promised, Darius, food, and there's a….."

"Why do you get to pick?"

"Cause you'll pick all seafood."

"You'll do all spicy."

"Kids, I think you've both done enough today."

"Wait, dad, nooo. We'll talk it out, I promise."

"Yea, we were just...*Zrooom*

"Hello, welcome to Shake a Leg, where our motto is we cook from the soul, not the oil."

"But you don't have a soul."


"I'll never understand."

"Ruby, Ruby!!! Over here."

"Andrea, Lea, Nathan; what are you doing here?"

"We could ask you the same. Who's your new family?"

"I...How....Nevermind. You're not going to believe this, but my wishes have finally come true. I'm gonna be HUMAN!!!!!!!!!"

"Ruby, that's fantastic...but what will Xyone think?"

"I think he'll be truly upset, but we can worry about that later. For now, let's throw a celebration for Ruby. Everybody, join in."

"Adryan, Sunscare doesn't look all that bad. From the people to the places, I kinda like it."

"Just wait till tomorrow and Ruby leaves with you. The world may seem happy, but will be back to normal soon; and will be tearing at each other trying to secure a Wish."

"Force, is no way to make a friend."