
"Maybe Mr. Heartchild was right. I really got to get acquainted with my own Garden more, especially now that Ruby won't be here to tend to it whenever I leave.

*Huuuuu…..whoo* I really wish I had Darius' legs. This mush is starting to get under my toes. A rest oughta do me good. After all, I'm...…..Ruby's friend?"

"Hi, Landon."

"What are you doing here? You can't be here. Xy said you will lose your Wish if you stay. You must go, now.

Ruby? Ruby, what's wrong? Sorry I yelled at you. Please dry your tears."


"It's awful, Landon. Darius and I had a fight. He wants to take away my truth."

"That's probably for the best. Nobody would believe you anyways."

"Landon, but it's who I am. They're trying to take it from me just like everything else. I wish...…I wish...…..I...…I WISH I WAS NEVER WISHED!!!!!!!"

*Chueeee, Chueoooo, Sheuuuuuuu*

"Is that your wish?"


Oh, Landon. Hold me."

"There, there, Ruby. It'll be ok."

"Will it? I don't want to go back."

"Don't say that. There, look at that Impala. Can you see it?"



"They graze wherever they please but to find better food, they have to give up where they currently are to pursue where they want to be. Not easy, but fear does not stop them from pursuing on."

"You're saying this experience could make be better, and here I'll only grow weaker?"

"Ruby, here there is only death. Look around, everything is dying. As Adryan said, 'Nothing lasts.'"

"But I'm already dead."

"Then, in the words of Darius, 'Be an alive man with the little time you've got. Hey, if you don't manage to find your Garden when you're down there then don't worry. You can come back here when it's all said and done. My bench will always be open for you."

"......Thanks. You sure you can take care of yourself when I'm gone?"

"I'm asking you that same question, but I can't answer for both of us."