
"Those girls better get here quick or else their will be nothing left for them too munch on."

"We're here. We're here. Saved us a bite?"

"Maybe just a splinter!!!"

"Hahaa!! Very funny. What, any longer and we'd have crumbs?"

"Take any longer and you'd have none."

"Darius, I just..…."

"Ruby, it's ok. Shouldn't have pushed you past. Truth is nothing to be silenced. Just have to be a bit more careful before you let loose."

"Sorry for leaving. Felt like none of you got me and were trying to stop me from being well…me. Now I know the truth."

"Speaking of truth, you want to know mine?"


"Truth is, I always cared. May have cared too much, but I never stopped.

Tried to pick por your liking. Isn't much but hope you like them.``

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Darius, these clothes are everything I ever wanted and more."

"Ruby, I have something for you too. Might not be as wild as your cat, but…."

"I accept. Thanks for the Hampster."

"Hampster? What gave you that crazy idea? No, it's a Pika. Like a Hampster, but more wild, mixed with a Rabbit. Hope you like em."

"Mr. Heartchild, you do know me. I thought that. I….oh, what does it matter."


"Just trying to listen more.

Thanks for the hug.

After all, now that you're part of our Heart, we need to help you become part of our life, and Miscommunication is not us, so why should it be here?"