Curtsy Lunge

"What, I can't be funny too, Darius?"

"Let's just go before Brae starts chasing us down the slope."

"Really, Darius, really?"

"Will you both just chill and take a pill? Darius, where are we headed?"

"I have to retrace my steps but there are the remains of a bonfire just ahead. Once I get there then I should know where to go."

"Wait, you're telling me you're not even certain?"

"....Eighty percent certain."

"Only eighty percent? I just hope the other thirty percent isn't us being caught."

"Well, we will be caught….."

"Hello, Darius."

"But it's not by who you might think.

Vincent, how long have you been waiting there?"

"Just thought you probably wouldn't remember the way so decided to wait for you here; although we did only say Ruby."

"Well…..things happen."

"I know they do. Come on. I'll cover our trails from Braemos."

"Like you did last time?"

"What do you mean?"

"Brae almost found you. He was onto us, but thankfully I steered him wrong."

"Curtsy lunge."



"Woo…that was close."

"What was that for exactly?"

"We set…I mean, I set traps for him all last night. Saw his tracks and had an idea. Now whenever he tries to follow, he won't get really far. We can get in, but he can't get out.


"Do you think you went a little too overboard?"

"Last night showed me that there is no such thing as too safe. Better safe than sorry is what they say, am I right?"

"Heard that phrase more than I count."