Eccentric Calf Raise

"Here we are, but where are you?"

"We had to sneak in through the old abandoned Celler."

"The Celler? That thing hasn't been used in...actually, I don't even know when last we used it. You managed to open the doors with just you, Darius, and Ruby?"

"Not exactly."

"Huuuu!!!!!! That's my lamp, and that's my writing desk. There is my original painted portrait on canvas…but why….how? Why's it all in pieces? There's tears, shares, and all have had their faires."

"Ruby, don't think of it like that. Hi, My name is Bryce, and all you see here, Braemos had in fires. We can't get into Broken Hearts, and since it's not like we had a key, we had to find something better. The fires Braemos started were our best next thing. After he finished tossing valuables and trinquets in, he would leave, and we would enter; pull out as much stuff as we could and bring it here. Your familys legacy should be remembered, not taken to the pits like all of you were."

"Thank you, Bryce; but I already made my grave. We all did. I grew up in my house, lived in it, and died in it. Death welcomed me, and I welcomed it."

"You really are, Ruby, in the flesh; and hey…'re even wearing your Grandmother's pearl necklace. Looks good on you."

'Thanks. My mom was supposed to give it to me when I came of age so she could keep up the tradition. Then I would give it to my children; helping the necklace grow, but sadly she couldn't find it, so I couldn't give it. Wasn't even old enough too, for I had none."

"Maybe you still can pass on the tradition one day, and we'll be standing there beside you. We'd be honored to maid you in your home."

"Uhh…*Snap, snap*

"Darius, what is it?"

"Eight years, eight traits she will lose. Her father asked me to teach her two more traits whenever she loses one, but right now it seems instead of me teaching her two more, the Resistance is............….The wrong two."

"I got this.


This family reunion is lovely and all but Braemos is still on his way. The traps Vincent lay may not have captured Brae, but only slowed him down."

"Don't worry. We're not going anywhere now that we have something worth fighting for. Those of you who can't fight however, take to the Cellar and bring as many of these artifacts with you as possible. Brae may have money, but we got friends; and I know just what to do."

"Huuu…..Haaa. Huuu….haaaa!!!

Why did they make the handle so high? Time for some Calf raises. Come on, I can't be this short already. My growth spurt was just recent."

"I hear him outside."


"Everybody, take position."

"Ok. Come on, Braemos. Show us what you got.



"Show yourselves you little….aaaaghhh…..*Splash…weeee…theeemphh*

"Ouch, my buns.

You think you're so funny putting the water bucket over the door when I open!!!