Jumping Jacks

"Huuuu…..Haaaa!!! Huuuu….Haaaa!!!!

Beat you, Hun. I….Huuu….beat you."

"I let you win."

"Oh, such a gentleman. I'm touched."

"I try."

"Didn't tell you where I was touched."

"You're both slow. I beat you all."

"Darius, how'd you…."



"Nope. Smart."

"You wanna go up there, or us?"

"I think it will be better coming from me. Wait here. I'll holla if I need you."

"Sniff, sniff

Waaaaa….ahheeaa…hahhh…heaaah. Sniff"

*Knock, knock, knock.*

"Sniff….Who is it?"

"It's Darius. May I come in, or does your house bar Tresspassers?"

"Who's to say it even is my house anymore? Braemos has repainted all the walls, moved all the photos, and all the physical stuff he has burned. All I have left of Them is my familys photo album, and this necklace.

Maybe I should go to Sunscare and give him these as well. He took everything else. Help him complete the circle you know. Say he won."

"Ruby, don't talk like that. I can't stop you from portaling to Suscare, but I can convince you to stay."

"How? There is nothing for me here. I just wanna go home."

"Ruby, you are home. What did you say…..um…..'These are just materialistic things, and, 'Then that is where they should stay. I have my familys photo album. That's enough for me. One look, and I'll remember."

"Well…uhh….I LIED, OK."

"Is that really what you did?"

"What do you care? You have a family, friends, a home, and a life to get too. Me, I don't even know if I have one."

"Ruby, I didn't just wish to give you life, you know that."

"You didn't?"

"No. I wished for you to be MY life. Be a part of it through the highs, lows, inbetweens, middles, lefts, rights, ups, downs, and all other words I can't think of right now, but just know I want you there regardless. I might not be able to give you your life, but I do ask if you want to be part of mine, that is….if you'll have me?"

"................Come in. The door was unlocked by the way. No need to have leaned against it."

"I know. Hold out your hands and I'll help you up."


"Just do it. Trust me."

"Oooo….kay. Now what?"

"We do Jumping Jacks. Gotta get your energy back flowing from your head down to your toes. And…One….two…..three….four…..five….six…..seven….eight….nine….ten….eleven.."

"No..no. No more. I can't. I…hahaahaahaaa. I can't. I can't. I'm…Huuu…haaaa…I….whooo. That's enough."

"Their is that beautiful smile I love to see everyday. Feel better?"

"You know something; actually, yes….yes I do. Thanks, Darius."

