Leg Lifts

"Do you really want to see? There is not much to show, honestly."

"Ruby, you're being modest. I am sure living here you have a few secret favorite places...off the beaten track!!!!!"

"Well…..there are a few oldies but goodies."

"Great. I'll go get our things."

"Our things? What are you…"

"See you in a few."

"Umm…Darius, where are they going?"

"I find it best not to ask."

"But am I the tour guide again?"


"Then that makes you my travelers. What are you packing?"

"Better to have and not need than need and not have."

" Oh no. Darius, what if I can't remember all that…"

"It's ok. Just wink at me and I'll move people along. Save you the embarasement."




"Still can't call him Dad?"

"Don't worry. Your mom said our time will come, but in the meantime...*Zrooom* *Poof*

We gotta make a map.....for you."

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Leglifts. Exercises are good for the mind. *Eeeeeeaaaghhhhh* And the body."

"Mr. Heartchild, I can assure you we are doing no strendueous activities like cliffjumping or zipsurfing. All our activities are in town."

"You don't know that for sure."

"Actually yes, yes I think I do. I am the tourguide after all. Think I would know this."

"But do you?"

"I...you're confusing me. Let's go."

"You said it, Ruby."

"Thanks for holding the door."

"After you, your Grace."