Resistance Ropes

"What? What did you say? Make it through this? Are you saying I'm not going to make it through this?"

"Ruby, calm down. That's not what I meant. I…"

"Aaaaaaghhhhh. Rarrr…Ree…Raaaa. Heeeurrrr…Urrr…Heesssshhh"

"Ruby, stay still. You cannot get out on your own. Keep your eyes on me. You cannot move yourself out."

"Yes….I…..can, beacuse I……..A….GHOST!!!!!!


"Guys, over here. Hold her steady. Make sure she can't move even an inch."

"Wait, wait. Mrs. Heartchild is outside. Tell her to go home and get the spray. She'll know what you mean."

"Ruby, I'm not going to let anything happen to you.


"Ruby, look at me. Only…..



"You felt that? That's….."



"Okay. One more, and we should be good. Grab my hands and pull like you're hanging onto a rope. I'm going to need you to not hold back."



"I got you."

"You sure?"

"You….you can let go of me now."

"Oh. Ee..yeah. Thanks."

"Where are you going?"

"Where's her legs?"

"Oh. Umm….*Ker…ker…kerkk…kerkk. Boomph*.


"There. All better. Now I can…waaaaa….*Thud*

"Two of you pick up that side. We got her over here. Now slowly place her on the stretcher."

"Sir, how do you explain all that just happened?"

"I don't know, but she does look familiar."

"You honestly don't believe her, do you?"

"What makes you think that? Were you listening? I told you not to.."

"No, no. Team's still out there...somewhere."

"Help me tie down the restraints. Once we wheel her out then you can go back searching."