Tricep Dips

"Huuuuuu….it's me."

"Guess you were a singer and a dancer. You know how to dip low."

"Impossible. Let me see that."

'Here you go, Fighter."

"How can you possibly…think…that…this...Is you!!!"


"Ruby Eliora?"

"You caught me!!!!"

"I….I…I don't know what to say? How…do…do you still at your familys mansion?"

"My family's mansion? Nah. It is my mansion, always has been. Good day."

"Wait. I can't let you leave."

"Can't, or won't?"

"....Both. As a friend, I have answers."

"As a Fighter?"

"I have a duty."

"Then write us up.


"Ruby, that's not….. how it works."

*Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff!!! Lick*

"Ewww. Get off, get off."

*Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff."

"Ruby, where are we, and why so many animals?"