
"You….lived here? How could you stand this place? It gives me the creeps."

"One becomes accustomed to their surroundings. Besides, every day was filled with the chatter of young ones scattered."

"Ummm…this doesn't look like a Hospital I've ever been to."

"I didn't say it was a hospital."


"What was this miraculous healing power the Upfront gave? Studies and investigations spun forth but what they uncovered was far from kid friendly and parent approved."

"Ruby, what is all of this equipment for?"

"My GARDEN!! No, no, no, no, no, no, nooooo.'

"Ruby, get back here. We can't keep up. Ruby, what are you...this room used to be a garden?"

"Not just any garden. My garden. Here I would train to unlock my powers."

"You kids were experimented on?"


........We were all a family. Grew up in these walls for years, but since I was showing improvement, my parents didn't want me to leave. Wasn't until I was seven that I finally walked away."

"That seems like a lot of years. Did you walk away or were you kicked out?"

"Who's to say anymore? My training was complete. I was ready."

"Ready? Ready for what? Who were you defending everyone from?"

"We never attacked, just trained for the day we would be needed."

"Ruby, you are not making any sense."

"Neither did it to us, but we were getting healed so why question?"

"Why? Cause they were using you as their test subjects. Must've been horrendous what you went through without anyones knowledge or consent."

"Consent? Our parents signed the waivers.

Here's our Mess hall."

"That's a lot of tables."

"I had many siblings. Upfront took us in when no one else would. Other Hospitals wanted to use us to help learn more about ailments. They were willing to kill us in order for 'research'. That's what we were told. Here, we were a family. Here, we had life. We could grow, We could learn............…....WE could become...…More!!!!!"

"Ruby, you're scaring me."

"If I scare you then imagine what scared us.

Here's my V trophy sitting where I left it. We can go now if you want."

"Yes please."

"With haste, mind you."

"One round trip coming up."