
"Speaking of frozen in place, when you take a look at this statue it will really freeze you with amazement. I don't know what it is, but it sure does look amazing, right?"

"Huh? Something about that looks…."

"Darius, what are you doing? The signs around say 'Don't Touch'.

"I'm sure a lot of people have. Don't worry."

"Just because everyone else is doesn't mean you have to as well."

"Oooooo, I can't resist. Just one poke won't hurt. I've never seen such a statue before. I can still feel it as if it's alive some…"






"What is that thing?"

"Everybody stay back. Darius, I told you not to touch."


"Boom….boom. Phump. phump…phump...…Phuuummmuennneppphhh.

I know that smell. That's the smell of a freshly regrown....you!!!!!"



Hello, Ruby. How has death served you?"

"You may have killed me once, but I won't let you get by me again.

Everyone behind me."

"Ruby, what is that thing?"

"It's a Dragon.

I said go."


"You want to know what the Upfront was about and who we protected this town from. Well now you know."



"No fair. Show yourself."


"Roarrrrr!!!!!!! Shing...*Zroom*


"Nope. I think you need to be the one that stands still. You're pretty good at that."

"RUBY, Look out!!"



"Oh no."

"I smell a snack."

"Everyoby, RUn!!!!"

"Go, go, go."


"Get back here. Who's got my tail?"

"I think it's time you pick on someone your own size."




"Ruby? Where are you?"




"Ruby, are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"Not as much as him, but he'll be back. We should go home."