
"What is this place?"

"May I have your baskets please?"

"Here you go. What should we do?"

"Plastic wrap, jars, and containers are in the Kitchen…..umm on the left, I do believe. Slap me if I'm wrong."

"What can I do?"

"Apple, you can divide out the cheese."

"How many do we need?"

"One hundred fourty two."


"Oh yeah. Do two hundred just in case."

"Back with the jars you asked for."

"Perfect. Darius, can you divide the Jars of honey up between them? David, let's count out the meat. Who here is good with a knife?"

"Ruby, I think you should cut the bread. Will lessen the likelihood one of us gets hurt."


"Found Ice Cream in one of the Fridges. Says, 'For the Gifter'"

"Thank you, Delilah. You can put them back for now. We'll pull those out at the end."

"I'M DONE!!!"

"ME TOO. SHoot. He beat me."

"Guys, this is not a race, but thank you."

"Huh? How? I'm not even halfway with mine."

"It's ok, Apple. You'll get there…in time."

"Let's see these beauties. Mmmmmm…mmmmm….Mmmm. Good first try, but…..just a few more knots and presto. Hand me those baskets over there."


Eight, nine, ten...."

"Ruby, I don't think Apple is going to wake up, but I know we can do this. How does your family do this every single night?"

"Well, we don't do it 'evvvvveeeeery' night, but it feels like it. The trick is to do one basket at a time. It feels like it would be better to put cheese in all of them, then the next, then the next, and so on, but then you forget which ones you put in where, how much, and aaghyaaahyaa. It gets too much. Can you put everything into their own piles? That will make things smoother."

"You got it. Sun should be here in an hour though."

"Then we have thirty minutes. Ten to pack, and twenty to gift."

"What, there's no way we can pack all these baskets in ten minutes."

"Not with you talking we won't."