
"Should we wait up for Darius?"

"He'll make it back."



"SORRY, SIR. I'll leave."

"Hun, do you hear that?"

"I don't hear anything."

"That's my point? Shouldn't we hear kids screaming downstairs, footsteps on the floor, or something?"

"Maybe they went back to bed to wait for us."

"Knowing Ruby, she would want to go out first light. We should go check in on them."

"You ready to start the day, Ruby?"

"It feels like I just ended one. Thanks, Apple."

"Where have you two been, and where is Darius?"



"You could work on your driving skills, kid."

"Sorry. Still getting the hang of it."

"So, you have been driving my car."

"This was your car? Explains the color."

"Can any of you explain to me where you have been?"

"Mom, we…"

"Come see for yourself. People should be waking up any minute now. What's on the agenda for the day?"

"This is your town. Shouldn't you be leading us?"

"Been a while since I've been back, wouldn't even know where to start. Besides, if you lead and point out what looks cool to you, I can say, 'Wow', I never thought about it like that."

"Sounds like a plan. We willl sight-see your hometown, and for lunch, instead of Seafood, we can stop for Pizza."

"I'm down to giving you a retry."