
"You're still not mad about my rumours, are you?"

"Why would I? It's not a rumor if it's true."

"So I was right. You really are the PlantLady?"


"Would you mind remozing your jacket?"

"Yes, yes I would mind."

"She's cold. That's why she has it on."

"Really? I think that jacket makes you look younger, if I do say so myself."

"What do you want, Fighter?"

"I just came to say sorry, again; and seek your forgiveness. It was wrong of me to accuse, with nothing to go on but old papers."

"Ruby, I thought…."

"Apology accepted.

By the way, what did you do with the raisins I gave you?"

"I made Peanut Butter raisin cookies. Would you like to try one?"

"I would, please."

"Perfect. I'll bring two out."

"Mrs. Heartchild, did you know that….."

"No. I thought….."

"Here you go, Ladies. A generational recipe. Enjoy."

"Thank you, Fighter. These look wonderful...….and if they taste just as good as they smell then I think you have a winner."

"Awww…I love to hear that, but I feel like I already won."



"Mmmm….mmmm….These cookies are amazing. I can really taste the peanuts. You used chunky peanut butter I can tell."

"Really? Cause I can't taste a....*Thud*

"Ruby!!! Ruby!!!!! Are you ok? Answer me. Ruu....oh no….*Thud*

"Nighty-night. ladies