
"Are all of our powers really in those Viles?"

"Every single one, but...none of them are marked. We'll sort that out later. Everybody, grab a vile, then go stand by the Dragon. He'll take you home."

"What about you?"

"I can't…..let anybody…..get...any...wrong...ideas."

"You can't burn this place down."

"Watch me.

Dragon, take them to a safe distance. I'll help Mrs. Heartchild get the survivors outside, then join you after."

"Ruby, what are you still doing here; and why do you have a match in your hand?"

"Help me get the survivors outside. I already started the outside.


Can't have anymore Jasmines running around."

"It's like I don't even know you anymore."

"I told you. 'This town isn't all friendly.' I'm still happy little me. Just don't mess with my friends or my past. My past stays buried."

"Who am I to question?"

"Thank you.

…..Think our boys are in the Patrol?"

"You kidding? They're probably leading the charge with the Navajo police as we speak."

"There is it, Darius. The Plants two hills away. Don't worry ladies, we're coming. Hold on a little longer."