Doughnut hole


"You feeling the heat?"

"Ruby, the oven's not up temp yet."

"What do we do? We could..."

"I'm out. OVER HERE."

"HEY, you can't…...HOST. HOSTESS. She's breaking the rules."

"Don't worry. We'll take care of….she's fine."

"But she's seeking outside help. She switched stations."

"Help is not from the outside, and besides; she is not doing anything but giving up her oven. Now quiet down or I'll dock you a point for disturbance."




"Ruby, why'd you stick your tongue out at her? That wasn't nice."

"I told you."

"I know, I know. 'Just cause it's a small town doesn't mean everyone's friendly.'"

"Now you're getting it. Adapt or die."

"It feels like you died when your parents left....not when the Dragon killed you."

"Is their much of a difference?

That;'s why hopefully you can tame me, while I tame the others."

"What did you even have in mind to test Them?"

"There are still a few loose ancient rogue creatures roaming around your town. Maybe we can have them help you take it back? Good first test for them."

*Phuuueeem. Phiw*

"Those Doughnut holes sure do smell good."

"Thanks. They'll taste even better fried. Hope your Strudel works out."

"It will, now that you've given us your oven to use. Might even crisp up nicer cause how hot it is. Thanks."

"What are friends for?"

"Ruby, are you alright?"

"Just thinking. I considered Jasmine a sister. No, a friend."

"That's good."

"Then I stood by, frozen, as Dragon ate her."