Ice Cream cake

"Contestant one, please describe your dish that's in front of us."

"Today I've baked for you all an Icecream cake. Under the scorching heat, I couldn't freeze the rounds, so…'s the next best thing. Hope you like it. Dig in."

"Huh. He can't make ice cream, so he cheats it. Just send him my way. I could straighten him out."

"Serenity, shh. I'm trying to listen."

"This is a very interesting cake. I know I would've never thought of making this. Very outside the box. Difficulty level.....could've improved. For an ice cream cake, I'm missing the main element. Presentation wise, A+."

"Thank you. Thank you."

"Hey, I think your cake looked lovely. I would've eaten it."

"Thanks, Ruby."

".....It was ok."

"Ruby, where exactly does all this food get given too?"

"Come on. I'll show you."

"You guys can't leave."

"We're going to be disqualified anyways.

Can you introduce our Strudel? After all, you made the flowers."

"I will. Oh, and I'll tell you who wins."

"Me, obviously."

"Come on, Apple."

"Where are we going? I wanted to see the ending."

"I'm going to show Mrs. Heartchild the backbone of this town, Every light casts a shadow. The real reason why we do this."

"I don't have a backbone, so I'm excited."

"If memory serves well, you will wish you had stayed right here."

"It's a small town. What possibly could make me gag?"


Time to find out."

"Is that.....Ruby? She's come back for us. Everybody, look, look. It's the Giftlady, and she's brought help."

"Where? Where? Where?

....I see her. Go let them in."

"Weclome, to our first stop."

" 'Candycane Mountain Orphanage' "