
"So sorry to hear that. How did he die, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't care, because I don't know."


"He left the house one day and never came back."

"Then maybe he's still out there."

".......His body showed up in the river two days later."

"River? There is no river here. You mean Lake?"

"No, I mean River!!!!!!

.....Here, take this tablecloth your way. Catch."

"Got it."

"How'd your parents die?"

"In a fire."

"Intentional or unintentional?


"Intentional. All our parents died by an intentional fire, then shoved in the Plant."

"Then it's a good thing we found you.

Why couldn't you escape?"

"We were powerless to his men. Just mere mortals."

"What do you have against us?"

"Nothing. Just that all of our experiences with your Kind were never good. At least our parents got to experience niceness."

"That sounds awful. I'm so sorry."

"Thanks. After Ruby had Jasmine give us our powers back, she brought us to the Orphanage here in town so that we could have our first experience playing with your Kind. Thing is.....I kinda liked it."

"I'm glad, but aren't you too old to play kid games?"

"Age is just a number when you're locked up. Everybodys the same.

What happens when you're free?"

"Then it turns into a restriction."



"But thanks to her, I feel like my restrictions have been lifted some."

"Like a Xuixo rising to the surface from its oil."


"Have I been held up too long?"