"Your daughter is not dead, sir."

"For your sake, she best not be.

Now hand the Dragon over, and no one else will get hurt."

"People have already been hurt."


"Rainbow, my sweet Angel. It's me."


"I'm here, Princess. Talk to me."

"Remember what I said? *Cough….cough*

I…..am not...your enemy.........….but HE...…..IS."


"Woo, woo, woo. Rainbow, your head might still be…."

"I think her head is right where it needs to be. Is yours?"

"Ruby, listen to yourself. We used to be Allies, friends; Upfront and Dropfarra. Remember. It was us Vs. The Dragon. Our people, banned with your people. Don't tell me you've sided with the Rogues?"

"THE ROGUUES ARE..….MY PEOPE...not you."

"Then you leave me no choice. Ready for the Fever?"

"I fear no such, for we've conquered the dark…..instead of being its puppet."

*Phuuuuem. Phuuuuem."





"I see you haven't changed a bit."



"Well, that trick's new, but you still missed me."

"You like that one? Well, I have plenty more up my sleeve; but please....come back to me."

"Your king is gone. I...…..control him now!!!!"