"Where exactly are we going?"

"To a land where dreams come true."

"I'm ready, Ruby."

"You know the drill. Hands together.


"..............................So, tell us again; Where are we?"

"We are past your bedtime, is where we are."



"...............How'd you just do that? Sending everyone back to sleep, all at once?"

"Transferred all my sleeping potion to my fingers, and with the power of the Tree; I'm unlimited."

"Why'd you leave us two up, though? At least wake your Dragon."

"I have nothing to fear; for you two are here. The Queen is who we should hold sincere."

"But you can't even teleport. You don't know where you're going."

"Exactly. You two are my faith."

"If you say so."


".....Are those.....Unicorns?"

"Best in the Land.

We should arrive in no time.

Oh, and Ruby."


"Your magic is powerless here."

".........As I said, 'I trust you two completely.'"

"You better. We'll arrive in due time. Try not to fall out of line, or you'll end up in a hole."

"A whole lot of trouble? I know."

"No. An actual hole where we dump out the Rejects."

"Buurrrrrr!!! I think the temp just dropped...…and don't you dare say 'down the hole.'

"I wouldn't even think of it."

"Girls, quiet. We're getting close. Just let me handle the talking, will ya?"


"IT IS I.....KING MORANDO; Princess Rainbow; and Mother Nature."

"...............You may enter."

(We did it. We got all caught up on every chapter I had prewritten during my two weeks away. Now everything else from here on, until my laptop dies, will be 100% written on here. Sit back and relax.)