"What do you think they're discussing in there?"

"What do you think? You obviously. They want to know whether or not they can trust you."

"Of course they can. I've already proven it to them."

"But...….can I....trust you?"

"Natysh, what are you doing?"

"She's proven to you guys, but not to me; and I have my doubts."

"Then what would make you trust me?"

"I don't know............….Grant me a wish?"

"For the alst time, she's not a Witch."


You name it, I'll get it done. What would you like?"

"A boy to call my own. A shoulder to cry on when I'm sad, and a voice to comfort me in my woes.

Nothing Major."

"Is that all?"

"Ruby, psst.

.....All the boys that Natysh brings over....well...they don't last long. A few of the boys in the hole are...…"

"Your rejects!!!!!!!!!"

"No pressure."

"Ruby, maybe we can….."


"That's a shame. I was really beginning to like her too. Looks like your friend didn't feel the same way though, and left. Shoot."


"Who's there?"

"Shh. Kyle, it's me."

"Ruby? What are you doing in my room?"

"I'm not in your room."

"Ummm…..yes you are."

"No. Ruby the Witch is in your room."

"But you're not a witch."

"I know, but Princess Natysh doesn't know that, and the less she knows...the better.

She's asked for you."
