"Don't worry, Ruby. We'll get through this."

"I sure hope you're right. Feel terrible dragging them along everywhere I go, Rainbow. They had no desire to be a part of my life."

"We all made a choice....even them."


"Not far out. You'll spot it when you see it."

"And what exactly are we trying to spot?"


Come on, Ruby. Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark."

"I'm not the one you should be talking to."


"Calm yourself, Darius. We will be in and out faster than you can blink. Just have to grab something real fast."

"Could sure do with a light down here."


"Hey, watch it Dragon, Where are you even going?"


"At least now we have light. Dragonlight."

"He's going too fast, we can't keep up."

"Let him go. We'll see him again."

"Rainbow, why is this side of the Caverns lit with a glow, but not the others? Where is everybody?"

"Down that Corridor. Nobody bothers coming up here, for everything is dead."

"Dead? The flowers look alive to me? Look, there's one budding now. How?"

"Don't ask me.

...Ask her."


"Mother Nature, it really is you. Morando told me, but I had my eyes, and now that they can see you as you, then please, come. This way. The Eggs is not long. Inside holds the last seed known to survive. It has not sprouted in Millennials....that is, until you've shown up. You've breathed life in these walls again."

"King Morando, Queen Sky; what are you doing down here? Why must we discuss in private?"

"Didn't Rainbow tell you?"

"Tell me what?"