
"What took you guys so long? Was the map hard to follow? I know I should've asked for the bigger letters."

"Oh, no, no. The Map wasn't the problem. It's just that there are many beautiful wonders to admire that we kinda….umm… sidetracked."

"Speaking of tracks, assemble your Dinos wisely, because the track you are to follow through these woods holds a lot of twists and turns that would bump any rider off of their Steer."

"We can handle anything you throw at us. Just show us our kits and tell us what to do."

"You don't want to hear about safety and precautionary measures first?"

"You didn't ask us here for speeches."

"Okay, well, can I at least…....wait right there."

"Should I go in the Cabin after here?"


If you won't listen to warning, can you at least sign these Waivers and forms? The Waivers are for you, and the forms usually would need a signature from your parents...…but in this case I'll let it slide."

"I'll sign for them. It's not a problem. What are we signing for?"

"Reliability waivers.

'In the case that you fall off your Dino, get lost in the woods, are pushed off, bring yourself to harm, or otherwise are attacked by a Creature in the woods, I….. "Princess Rainbow '', the Overseer for you today will not be held responsible for any and all acts of God, mischeviousness, or otherwise negligence of order by yours truly….. "Princess Rainbow"'.

Sign here, please."

"That sounds like a lot. Are you sure all that is necessary? Just like a horse ride, as long as you stay on your horse and don't show off, then nothing will happen to you."

"If only people actually did that.

Don't come running to me to save your life when this is all over, then get mad that I did. This is your choice, remember."

"Here you go."

"Here you go."

"Here you go."

"Thanks. Just let me put these back in the Cabin for safekeeping, then we can start building. Don't start without me."

"Pff, how hard can it be? Just follow the instructions and walaa."

"Kids, you heard what Rainbow said. Wait for her to come back."

"I don't see any instructions for this thing."

"Then we'll try our best. I think I remember how they look."

"Here, allow me to portray."

"But you're a giraffe."

"....Eh. Close enough. Rainbow will be so thrilled when she sees our designs."

"Ok everybody. I put all the papers away, cleared it with the others, and we are ready….to...go?"

"You like them?"

"They're....I don't think those are............….They're wonderful."
