
"So does he."

"Why would Dragon take his own kids?" Does he know something we don't?

"We don't know it is him. Could be anything."

"Well nobody knows we are here except....King Morando!!!!!!!!"

"Woo…wooo…wooo. Let's not jump to any conclusions."

"Who else? I already know he'll do anything to get what he wants, and what he wants right now is me. Since he can't get me, the next best thing for him to do is force me out of hiding."

"Let's just focus on getting the kids back first, then we can interrogate later."

"How? We don't even know where he has taken them? Man, I wish I could fly; then I could scour around, and potentially even race after this thing."

"Maybe it's a good thing you lost your ability."

"What? How can you say that?"

"If you fly so high in the sky, you'll miss the details on the ground.

Look, tracks."

"Huh? Those aren't Dragon feet."

"You seen em before?"

"I know I have, but I can't place my finger on it.

All I can say is, this thing wasn't acting alone."

"Don't worry, Ruby. We'll catch them. Whether it be now, or after we find the Culprits."

"I prefer now. Don't know how much longer my tummy can handle all these knots."


"What are you looking for?"

"Making sure we're not followed while I give you this."

"A Mlkshake. Boy do I miss my home. You know, you're not the brightest of all the people I've met, but you sure know how to come through when needed."


"Whenever my parents lost something, they would send out a Militia of soldiers, and search all night. Never coming home until they found what they were looking for. They said every second we spend searching, is two more seconds the other spends lost."


"Uhhhh…..that's what we used to call our rescue party. They acted the same."

"Sure, sure.

You know, when I first met you; I knew you were different."

"And now?"

"......Still the same."