
"Think we lost him?"

"Ruby, you can't just go off at anybody who vexes you."

"Now is not the time, Mrs. Heartchild. I didn't need to deal with him. Their are more pressing matters at hand."

"Still don't feel right about this. Snooping around my dads palace, looking for if he may or may not have written down research about your dragon. He's not one to 'stalk out his prey'."

"Shh…get down. Here comes Natysh."

"Dad? Are you in here? We're home."




"What was that? No one is allowed in here, but the Queen. This is my dads private Ward."

"Nice going Darius."

"Sorry, but me, dust, and tight spaces don't exactly mix. Maybe my sneeze wasn't even that loud."

"...We can only hope."

"Natysh, no one is in here. Probably just a squek of a mouse. Let's go."

"There is Kyle.



"Shhh!!!!! Remember what I said."


"Hmmmm. Dad really needs to clean up after himself. His papers are scattered everywhere."

"Natysh, we should really get going."

"Not yet, Just let me clean this place up real fast. These go here, those go there, and….Huh? What's this?"

"That's my Dads journal in her hands. That's what we need."

"I can't read this. Dad has chocolate stains and Twix stains all over these pages. Looks like sad drawings in his leisure time anyways. I know I'd be disappointed."



"Uhoh. They found us. Come on."


"NATYSH. There you are."

"We uhh….we were just…."

"No time to explain. Hurry. It's your dad. Follow me."

"..........Coast is clear. Let's go."

"Wait, the servant said something about my dad. Maybe he's in trouble."

"If he is, then there's more than enough Servants here to help him."

"But what if his troubles are not physical? We should go help."

"First, we have to help our Kids."

"Ruby, the Kids may be a part of your Kingdom, but we're in my Kingdom. I'm not just going to leave him."


"Natysh, did you forget to turn the lights off?"

"I don't think I did. I'll be right back."

"Well, you gotta make up your mind fast Rainbow. Do you wish to come with us, or stay with your sister?"


"She's getting closer. Is their anything in there you can read that's not stained? Anything that can help us?"

"Nothing is jumping out at me thus far. Maybe it's not even in here."

"It may not be in there, but we certainly are in here…..and soon we won't be. Just take the whole book."



"What the? Why is this door handle not opening?"





"Rainbow, if you're in there playing games on me, then come out now. You know we are not supposed to be in here."

".....I'll come with you."



"Natysh, is everything ok? I heard you talking to someone."

"I thought I was, Kyle.

I thought I was.

…..Let's just go."