"Hello, Ruby. You're too late to do anything."

"Rainbow, Darius, herd them into the woods. We can use the traps to catch them."

"Ruby, those traps won't hold forever."

"I don't need them to, Just need them away from the people long enough for the others."



"Ruby, just turn them all asleep. Let their strands come back on their own."

"I don't know how to recover them. Upfronts gone, and Jasmines dead. Yes, they will have to calm down on their own, but not by force. You heard what was said. We'll just make it worse."

"Then what do we do? They're already making this town worse. If we herd them into the forest, we can't. Not with Dragonfrog taking them. They'll listen to no one, and follow not a soul."

"I need to get to my Dragon…..and you need to keep people away from theirs."

"Too late for that."

"Kyle, what's happening? Please, open your eyes and hold still."

"Tooo….much...pain. I can feel it."

"Feel what?

Kyle, speak to me."


The Kids."

"Kyle, nooo…come back here."

"I have to go. If I feel…OWWWW....this…..OOOO....I have to."

"It's the Witch isn't it?"


".....Take me with you."



"Where could those kids….aaaaghh….*Phuuu…Phuuu….Phuu*

Like looking for a Needle in a fish. Too small to see, and even smaller to grab."




"I don't want to hurt you kid…..but drop her."


"I said…"


"Ewww….you mutt. You smell like moldy cheesecake."


"Stay right there. You're coming with me, Kid."
