"Don't worry, Ruby. You just lie there, and I'll be back for you.

Come on Kitties. We have a long road ahead of us."

"Take care of yourself, Kids; and Mr. Heartchild..…bring them home safe."


"By the way…..I got a name for you.

It's TOBIAS....Means God is GOOD."


"Don't look at me like that. I just never had a name before."



I like that name. You?"


"How far do you think it is to....where are we going again?"


"You all hungry?"





"Be right back. I'll get you something.

There has to be a lake or something around here with…..ahaaa. There it is.

Stay right there."





"Get…over here…you little fishies. I just want a few.

The Trees will revive you back."




"ALL GOOD. Just slippery little buggers. If only I had more hands.

….Wait a second.

Tobias, no. DragonFrog trained you to fight, protect, and kill..….fish?

Ugggghhhh.…I don't know anymore."


"But what I do know is that if I don't get these Kids food, who knows what they'll eat…..hopefully not me."









You best Kids be happy cause this is all I was able to catch. You got your Snappers, your Pike, and a few small Salmon. Sorry I couldn't get anything bigger.


"But I am perched."

*Noummm…noummm…noummm….noummmm….noummm. nouuummm...noummmm*

"Fish may be great for you, but their has to be something else out there for me."


"Stop pulling my leg. You're fed."



"Oh….you want to give this fish to me?"


"Thanks, but I….."


"Guess I could have just one bite.



I still need something for my physical form though. Let's get going."