Velvet Catfish

"Ruby, Darius, Heartchilds? Anyone?

One minute I was cruising through a milk storm, then the nextm invasion of cats, How is it that all of thse people get to experience the Craze, but not me. Why didn't I....Ruby?

Are you…..oh no. No, no, no, no, nooo. Ruby, what happened to…."

"Haauuuunnnk…..Shuuuuu. Hawwwwnnnkkkk...Shuuuuu. Hauuuunkkk...Hauunkkk…Hawwwnkkkk...….Shuuuuuuu."

"Ruby, I..."

"Shh. Let her sleep."

"Aaaagh….Since when did we get a talking Tree?"


"Hi there. Shh. It's just me, Apple. Go back to sleep. Go back to.....where are the others?"

"Meeow? Meooow...Meeoww….Meooowww.


"Ruby told Mr. Heartchild to take the kids back home?

But doesn't she know it's not....stay here, and rest, Kitty. I'll find them and bring them back.

God, I hope they're ok."



"Kyle, what did you do? Bring the whole flock!!!!"

"I thought they flew solo. Two to distractm one to attack."

"Well, clearly your math is off."


"How are they so big?"

"The new life in them must not be stopped growing yet."

"I can see that, cause now they're looking at us."

"Guys, please don't eat me. I don't pull apart like Velvet, unlike some people. I don't even have much bones. Just fat."



"What are they doing?"

".......Calling in reinforcements."