




"Hurry, Kids. Come inside where it's safe."

"Waaaiiiighhhh…..I tripped."

"Come on. I got you. Wrap your arm around my shoulder."


"Hurry, hurry, hurry. There's not much time."



"Aaaaaghhhh….the wind is taking me."

"Give me your other hand. I can't hold on much longer."

"I'm trying. I'm tyring, but I can't re….…aaaaaaghhh."


Get your hands off of me."

"We need to get inside…"


"Everyone accounted for?"

"Mom, what's out there?"

"I don't know, Son. I don't…."







"What's he talking about?"


"That….Witch!! I knew it."

"I simply….want to talk to her…..but if I find out you're hiding her, then I guess we can all sit down for a chat."

"That won't be necessary...…..sir."

"And who might you be?"

"I'm the one that will take you to her,…......."


The name's Xy."

"Well, Xy, I think you and I just might become the best of friends.

It's time for Ruby's agony over all my life to come to an end.

And you're gonna help me.



"Just lead the way, Little girl."

"You take the girl, I get whoevers left. Deal?"

"Has anyone told you, 'Never make a deal with the Devil?"

"Haaa. Does it look like I listen?"


"Bye my friends. It was nice knowing all of you, but if you never try, you never grow…..and I want to grow.

Just wish you had the heart to grow with me."


"But first….would be rude to just leave her.

Should still be asleep. Just drop in, give her the note, then leave. Least I can do.

Now, where did Tobias say she lay?"

"She has to be somewhere around here. Kyle's tracker lit up like a sour thumb here."

"If I find out you're pulling my leg."

"I would pull no such thing. Maybe it's just…..There…..THERE...THERE. There she is."

"Sleeping like a beauty? Completely unguarded and ready for a strike?

This is just too easy."