
"Just wait till you see the inside."

"If it's just as great as the Commons, then I'm all for it, but why the high walls?

What are you trying to keep out?"




"Thank you. Thank you. You people are too kind. Please...stop it. I wasn't gone forever you know. You're too kind. You're too…"


"And I love you too, my….."


"My King."

"What are you doing in the middle of the road, and who are these people?"

"I'm sorry, your Highness. I didn't know you were returning. I thought you were already here."


One of the Patrols I assume?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"I take it you haven't been here long?"

"How do you know that?"

"You keep calling me different names."


"One name will do."

"Yes, your Majesty."

"So, what have these people done?"

"They are lost, your Majesty. Lost."

"Lost? Well, what are you doing talking to me?. Get them a room, put food in their bellies; don't just stand there. Make them feel welcomed to be found."

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Sorry for my Knights cold lips. I am King Henry. Welcome to the land of Laphate.

I hope you find your stay here of the utmost care and diligence. Feel free to meet me in my Castle day or night for any questions you may have."

"Thank you, your King; but aren't you going to ask where we are from, and why we have never heard of you, but you us?"


Why bother with so many questions? Here, we are all one. All born from dirt, and dirt is what we go back to. Everything else is second nature to that, but if I were to ask a question, I'd ask only one."

"This way if you please."

"Thank you again, for letting us stay."

"Hooo….hooo….hooo. Lease I could do."

"So, Sir Knight; what fun things await us to do in your Kingdom?"

"Fun? There's lots of fun, but don't you think you should catch a bite first, before you fall?"

"We won't fall. With the amount of sugar from the chocolate milk we had, I reckon we could be up for days."

"Maybe even weeks, thanks to Ruby."

"You keep mentioning this Ruby of yours. Who is she to you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Not at all. In fact, Ruby is…..."

"A dear friend of ours, and we owe our lives to her completely."

"I see. She must mean something special to you all."

"She is."

"Our lives were burdensome without her."

"Well, I wish I could see her myself and thank her for saving such a fine group of Lads and Gents such as yourself; but as luck would have it, I am due back at my Patrol.

Pleasure meeting you, and good day."

"Good day, Sir Knight; and thanks again."
