"We should get going. The lights are coming ever closer."


"HEY!!! I heard footsteps behind this fence. No one is supposed to be behind this fence unless...HEY!!!! HEY!!!!! STOP RIGHT THERE."

"There you go."

"Thanks for untying us."

"Formalities are great, but RUNNNNNN!!!!!"

"STOP!!!!!!! STOP!!!!! You can't be back here.


"Faster, faster."

"You know, Kain."


"This was actually really fun."

"You call running from Patrol, fun?"

"Beats running from scary monsters, anyday."

"You Heartchilds are something else."


"I don't know if I meant that as a compliment or not."


"Hey, less chit chat. Once we get out of this, then you can decide what it was. Deal?"


Follow me. I know a shortcut. A place even the Patrols won't go."

"Why's that?"

"......They're afraid of Ghosts.

You…..wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

"Oh, no…no."

"Kain, we have never before even seen a Ghost."

"Well, they maky look scary on the outside......but they're even worse on the inside."

"Ruby didn't seem like that to us. Well, besides the first day; but she was only being protective....of me."

"Ruby's a ghost?"

"Oh. I….I was talking to myself."

"It's okay Darius. Imaginary friends are cool too."

"Yeah, especially if they are real enough to cook you Dinner."

"Dinner? How can you think of Dinner at a time like this? We might not even make it fully past Lunch."

"You're right. Sorry.

Le'ts focus on getting out of here, first."

"Kain, you said there were ghosts, but I don't see any ghosts around."

"Maybe that's a good thing. A sign they like us."

"Who likes us?"


"Aaaaaaghhhh...who turned off the lights?"

"Load them in the truck and send them home.

King's orders."

"Yes, sir.

Come on, get this trailer moving."

"Kain, what's happening? I can't see a thing."

"Nobody panic. I'm sure we just fell into a barely lit room."


"Does this room ride on the back of horses?"

"Did we get taken?"

"Where are we going?"

"Not again."

"Kids, kids; calm down. If you worry, you'll just make things worse."

"How? How can things get worse than this?"

"Trust me, Kitty. They can."

"But I cleaned up all the Mice I saw….and.....I don't think my belly can handle another bite.

Can't you just hire an exterminator or something?"

"And let the gas mess up these beautiful halls? No way. That's a show of weakness."

"Look, admitting defeat is not weak."

"I'm not defeated. Just showing off my strengths in other walks of life."

"And that is?"


"What, you're not the only one that helps with the rodents. This castle is pretty big. You get one half, she gets the other."

"Oh, I see what you're trying to….*Burp*....What you're trying to…..*Burp*....."

"What? What am I trying to do?"

"I don't feel so good."

"You don't look it. Maybe you should lie down."

"Yeah. That's a good idea."

"I'll show you to my room."

"Wait, your...…*Hauuunkkkkk*"

"Sleep tight, Kitty. Sleep tight."