Game show Network

"Darius, it looks like only you and me left, and after you've seen what has happened, you ready?"

"You only live once, Kain."

"So let's make the most of it."


"Show time."

"Darius, make me proud."

"I will, Dad. I will."

"Your opponent.

...….The Tiger."


"Dad, I don't think that's the Lion's niece. More like his younger brother. And I can't take out a brother. I already lost one."

"Come here little boy. My tummy is just aching for a kiss of your bones."

"Wait, that thing is a girl."


You'll pay for that, Kid."



"I can't hit a girl."



"Would you let her hit you...cause here she comes.



"Huh? Where'd he go?"

"Between your legs."

"Between my...get back here."

"Go, Darius, go. Go, Darius, go. Go, Darius, go. Go, Darius, go."

"I got it."

"No you don't."





"...........Darius!!!!! Darius!!!!"

"Ummm....Point for Tigress."

"Darius. Darius. Can you hear me? Say something."


Sorry, Dad."

"Ohhhhh…....Don't scare me like that ever again. It's ok, Son."


"Yes, Darius."

"Bring us home."




"I might lose, Darius, but I am not losing to a girl."

"Hope you'd say that.


"Rest, son. She knocked you pretty hard."

"Come on, Kain. I'm not scared."

"Who said I was?

My daddy told me how to handle Wolfs on our outskirts.

And I told him I'd never let another one steal our peoples food ever again.

I won't then....and I surely won't know."
