
"Ruby, should we name him?"

"Why? He's not ours."

"Yeah, but what if he truly is a lost dog with no owner?"

"He may not have an owner, but he does have something."

"And that's four legs, to our two.

Where did he even go?"


Fast little sucker."

"He may be fast, but we're faster.

Wait up."



"What are you barking at?

Their is nothing there."


"Stop it. There's nothing...aaaagh.


"Get back, doggy. Back."

"No. I see something is there. The snakes are covering it."


"What is it?"

"I don't know. I can't read this. Definitely looks old though. Can you translate?"



It's….my dad's.

It's a note."

"What's it say?"


'To my sweet, sweet, Ruby:

I hope you have been well taken care of while we were away. Sorry we couldn't be there for'…. (*Sniff….sniff*).....'Sorry we'….(*Sniff*)...'sorry we couldn't be there for your birthday. I'm sure it was magnificent, like you are. I hope Joe has been raising you right.' (*sniff)......Raising you to be the strong, caring, most beautiful girl I had the pleasure of meeting. Your mom and I both are truly proud of the girl you have become. Remember, now…..your powers weren't given to you to destroy, but to protect and lead; and I'm sure you are a great leader.

Would love to meet all of your friends you have helped bring up beside you, one day. At the end of the day, the choice is yours. To be Queen, or to lead, but their is no higher calling than to Serve. Whatever you decide, I know we would love it. You make us proud just you, being you. We don't know if we'll make it to your fifteenth birthday next year or not, but if something comes up, we send our loves and kisses. Cherish them, and hold them close....for us. You may not be the true Princess of Fires, growing up; but to us, you felt just the same; and we have been blessed to lead you in your walk. Now it is your turn to show us what you've become, and boy…..I can't wait to see it. I'll be first in line, giving you the biggest of bear hugs; squeezing you so tight until you say stop. Wish you could come with us, but your mother and I feel you are safer, and more needed where you are. Although it pains us to say that, we know you will grow up to do great and marvelous things the world has never seen before."

With Love:

King and Queen Eliotra'

They….*Sniff*....They....*sniff*....did...come back for me.

I wasn't abandoned. I was just...*Whooooooo.* "

"Left behind."

"No, Kain.

Their has to be a reason. They were standing right here, before something forced them to abandon giving me this note, causing my dad to drop it and run. But why?

Tai had to have finally found them, and kicked them out....or worse."

"Ruby, we don't know if any of that is true. Your dad says nothing about Tai. Nothing of being kicked out, and nothing of why they left. He just says they had to go away for a while but are planning to be back soon."

"Then why leave in the first place, without telling me where?

And why the note? After all these years.

Why didn't they take me with them?"


"What's it now?"

"Ruby, I don't think the dogs done telling us something. You'll get your answers, I promise.

Just…..after he finally calms down.

Let's go."