


WHERE ART...….Ohh. There you are."

"What seems to be the matter?"

"Princess Elwin is the matter? Have you seen her? It's important."

"You…..haven't shown her the papers yet....have you?"

"Darius, I'm sorry, but we have to postpone the party. For Elwins safety. We…."


"I think it's too late for that. I just heard a few carriages pull up."

"What do we do? What do we do?"

"Calm down. I just called my dad, and he is on his way with the Kids."

"Kids? It's going to take a lot more than just Kids to take down Ruby.

Last time she went off, nobody was strong enough to stop her.....only...…"

"No. I am not going to have her succumb to the Dragon again."

"Wait, how do you know about the Dragon?

Who are these Kids, you called?

They wouldn't happen to be….."

"Miss, calm down. Everything is under control. We just have to keep Elwin away from the...."

"Away from the what?

Why? Is something wrong?"

"Princess Elwin, you're back; and so soon.

No, nothing is wrong. I was just telling Felicia that we don't want you too far away from me. If so, the Painter will need two canvases to paint."

"I'm not planning on going anywhere.

Do you like the dress, Darius?"

"I think it looks lovely on you."


So, I was thinking. If it's not too much to ask…..how strong are you?"

"Oookay. I'm just going to go and keep our guests occupied while you two finish up here."

"Thanks, Felicia."

"Yeah. Thanks."

"No problem at all."

"So, Elwin. How strong do you want me to be?"

"Can you pick me up, and hold me; as I give you a kiss on the cheek?"

"Wouldn't that send the wrong message? And aren't you all about Image?"

"What message would that send? Other than the message that I am happy to see my best friend once again, I don't.....Kissing doesn't always have to be romantic.

Besides, it's not even on the lips."


I can paint whatever pose you wish."

"Oookay, but I don't know how long I can hold you."

"I'm confident you are stronger than you think. I trust you won't let me drop."

"At least one girl trusts me."

"What was that?"


Just hold still, or else I'll flop you around."

"I know that, silly.

Ready, Maestro?"

"Ready, Princess."

"Ready, Darius?"

".......I still can't believe you trust me, when I don't even trust me."

"Oh, come on. I haven't had this much fun in years. Just pick me up and twist me."

"Easier said than done.

Give me your feet.

"Wait, that's not."

"Combining old with new.

By the time I catch you, it will look like you are falling into my arms."

"Sir, Darius. I'm a painter, not a photographer."

"Be right back."

"Where is she going?"

"Sir, people say painting is like a photo. So, why not paint.....from a photo?"

"Got him."

"This better be a good reason for pulling me away from the party."

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't think.

Okay, Darius. Tell him what you told us."


So, I'm gonna throw Elwin in the air...

And catch her of course."


"But….I was hoping, in the time it takes to catch her.....you take a picture.

Then you, Sir…blow up that picture."

"Darius, then we wouldnt have a photo, if he blows it up."

"No. I mean, you redraw the photo on your Canvas to full size."

"I.....never thought of us working together."

"It will be perfect. You ready, Elwin?"

"Will you for sure catch me?"

"Where'd your trust in me go?"

Guess I lost it when I couldn't find my Earrings.

It's there, just...dwinndling."

"Everybody ready?"

"Ready on my end."

"Give me a sec. We only get one shot at....got it. Ready."

"Princess, your feet please."

"I sure hope you know what you're doing and have done it before."


First time for everything."




"That was.....

"I got you. I got you. I got…."



"So I just 'blow up' this picture on here?"

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

"Thanks for catching me."

"But I don't like….....…I'll do my best to appease you, your Princess."