
*Boof...Booff....Booff, Boof....Boof.....Boof...…Boof*

"You okay, Rainbow?"

"Just a little blood and scrapes. Nothing major.

His head is way harder than I thought."

"Here, let me heal that for you."

"Ruby, no powers; remember?"

"I hate this body."

"You say that today, but in due time; you will love it."

"I don't think I will. I used cake a few days ago to experiment; and it was the worse day ever."

"Need me to teach you to walk?"

".....Here's your Swords.

Let's get home before another one is brave enough to come forth."

"Never been this close before.

It's like...…Like he wanted to tell us something."

"Not you....Me.

With me gone, there will be more of them."

"So, why did you give the Seed back to Elwin, last night; and not take it for yourself again?"

"I trust you; and Elwin needs to see that I trust her too."

"Yeah; but at what expense? Maybe you as Queen would not have been a bad idea. Who knows what else you have been blocking."



"Then I fear, this is only the beginning."

"For us or them?"


"Morning, Felicia. How did you sleep?"

"How did I sleep? Usually I am the first to ask you how you slept, but thanks for asking. I slept like a Dream last night.

Which reminds me, if you want to make your own dreams a reality; I think you should be present at the annual Kings and Queens meeting."

"But those are so boring and long. All the new rules implemented, restrictions applied; and new inventions talked about, but never incorporated.

Leave it to my dad."

"But my Queen."


......So, it wasn't all a...…..Dream!!!!

What's Ruby's seed doing on my lampstand? I thought I had Kain put that away."

"That's the thing.

Their was a Squabble last night in Rubys home with her and King Laphate. Ruby scared him straight, but in his haste to leave the house; he dropped the Seed.

Came to seek Rubys help on how to use it."

"Then why didn't Ruby retrieve the seed for herself and end me during the night?

She was close enough. Literally, right beside my head."

"I don't know."

"Why not hide it, and then tell me it is safe."

"That, I do know.

She wanted you to physically see...…"

"Physically see what?"

"Her heart!!!!"

"Natysh, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? She has certainly shown it?"

"Is this coming from you, or....."

"I'm serious. I couldn't believe it earlier, but I understand now."

"You do?"

"Well....a little bit.

Not as much as my sister would.......but she deserves a thank you; at least."

"Then give her a thank you. Not a Bridal party."

"It's not a Bridal party, Kyle. Just a huge party celebrating all that she has done to us.

"Natysh, if you want this grand party so bad for the Mistress, then why not take it up with the Counsel?"

"You know, Kyle; that's actually a not half bad idea at all. I'l do it later today."

"Wait, I.....Natysh?


"Thanks Kyle."

"I don't know what I did, but you're welcome. See you in a few."

"See me in a few?

Come on sleepybones; even if I have to drag you out of bed by your feet…….coming…"


How long does this Counsel go for again?"

"Well, it'll go longer if we don't hurry."