
"What do you think it could be?"

" 'I am a Scavenger that hunts in Packs, but when it comes time to feastm it is fend for yourself. The Pack may be my life, but home is where the heart is. Or was it 'Nuts is. I don't know anymore.' "

"You thinking a Squirrell?"

"None of the Kids are a Squirrel though."

"But don't all animals hunt in Packs?"

"Not all, but certainly not all of them Forage."

"Cats hide food all around the house. I swear my cat once hid a......"

"I didn't smell a cat when I broke the egg.

Did you guys?"




"Well, maybe a whif, but more dog than cat. Maybe they got into it with each other?"

"Again, none of the Kids are dogs."

"You sure about that? I thought that.......hmmm.

No. He's a.......what about...….No.

You're right.

None of the guys are dogs."

"What if we start looking at girls?"

"Tigress is a Tiger, not a......."



"She's a dog, isn't she?"

"Well, yes; but...…"

"First one to find her; wins!!!!!!"

"Wait, Guys; we should...."

"That point is mine."


"In your dreams, Slowpoke."

"Guys. Shouldn't we stick together? This place is pretty big, and I wouldn't want any of us to get...…lost?



"Darius, are you sure about this?

What if this takes all day? I certainly don't....."

"FOUND HER!!!!!!!!"



Why'd you bite me?

Bad Dog. Bad Dog."

"Well, maybe next time, don't pull on my tail so hard."

"Sorry. That was the first part I saw."

"Doesn't mean you should pull as hard. Excited or not."

"I said I was sorry."

"............Once more. Point for the Chepler family.

Man, you guys are Invincible. Is anybody going to catch up with you?"

"What can we say? 'Animals love us, and we love Animals.' "


You are always the ones who play stupid shenanigans and get bit by animals the most."

"As I said, 'Animals love us.'"

"Yeah. Love to tear you to shreds, if you let 'em."