
"So, ummm.....What's your name, Kid?"


Peter Schepler."

"Where you from?"

"The Old Mansion on the Hill.

Really want to move out, but hey….Got is passed down from family, so I can't complain."

"Passed down from family?

Ruby is your mom?"


You mean my Grandmother?

She Married Rainbow; adopted one of the Kids, and then Rex married Lily Schepler, so he wanted his name changed as well.

Wow...what a hassle that was.

A few years later, they had me; and......….I've been going here ever since."

"Is that so?"


Did I do something wrong?

I'm not in trouble with Principle Stoner, again, am I?"

"No, no…no. Just that...."

"You all seem confused. Maybe I should go get my Grandma to help heal you."

"We're good."


"What the?"


"What…..uh…..what are you doing, Peter?"

"Did one of the Sciene Kids plow the Elevator again? I keep telling the teachers they should move the Lab off site, but nooo….They are way more controlled here."

"......We have stairs!!!!

That is...…..you do...know what stairs are, don't you?"

"Of course I know. Just that Elevators are faster.

As I was saying, I just need my spell book, and I'll be out of your hair in no time.

I promise I didn't leave it behind just so that I could get out of studying for Mondays test.

You won't dock me a point, will you?

My mom would kill me if she knew."

"Oh….No.. No.

Your secrets safe with me.

Just.....where is Classroom C?"

"Classroom G?"

"Oh yeah. That's what I meant."

"You hit your head during last night's rainstorm or something, cause I can really get my G. R. No problem."

" That's ok. I...."

"Or you could use your Talisman."

"My what?"

"Your Talisma...….Wait a second.

Only Queen Elwin wore that thing when she got it on her fifteenth birth….....You are Queen Elwin!!!!!


What.....Year.......do you think it is?"

".....Out of my way. Out of my way.

I need to get through."

"No visitors beyond this point."

"Where's Ruby?"

"Didn't you hear me? I said no Visitors beyond this ...."

"WHERE is she?"

"She's in her Cell, sleeping.

Happy Now?

You can go."

"Thank you."

"Hey, I said go…. that way."

"I need to wake her up."

"Rain, just let her….."


"........I'll show you the way."