
"Here we are.

Back to where we started."

"But now how we left it.

What are you guys doing here, Heartchilds?"

"Always leave the place as clean as when you first got there.

In the hussle and busssle of our games, we forgot what that meant; which is no excuse....but we are back now."

"Well, I definitely am glad you all are back.

You would never believe what we just experienced."


"A true vision of this place, and I think you'll love it."

"Can't wait for you to show us, so we can furnish this thing."

"Looks so….."


"Who you calling aged?"

"Oh, I meant...…Worn."


"Come on. Le'ts get started."

",,,,,,,You're not coming, Elwin?"

"I'll be right there."

"Forgot your book, too?"

"Something like that.


When I come back down, I want to be dreaming."

"We can't promise that, but we can promise that you'll be floating."

"Make it so."


"......Where do you think she is going?"

"Probably just needs time alone to process it all.

Not everyday, you become Queen."


"Okay, Talisman. Show me the hole.


That way it is."

"You think Elwin will be alright?"

"She's tougher than you think.

Hand me that crowbar will you? Somethings stuck back here and won't let me move it."

"I'm just saying, maybe one of us should go up and talk to her.

Loneliness is not always the best medicine. It may be what they want, but never what they need.

Just hope she is ok."

"In here?

You sure?

…But this is a supply closet.



"Come on, Come on, Come on."

"Just use the stairs, if you're so worried. Remember?"

"Oh yeah.

I forgot.



"Their is nothing in here but blackness.



The Lights are dead.

Maybe you..."




"If you say so, but I don't think I should be trusting a non existent object. Then again, you haven't failed me yet.

You even let me ride the Elevator that was broken."


You up here? It's me, Moe.

I know you want to be alone right now, but what friend would I be if I let that happen?

If you need to talk through anything, all you have to do is talk to me.

I'll listen.



Where are you?"

"Huuuuuu....Phuuuuuu. Huuuuu…..Phuuuuuu. Huuuuu....Phuuuu.

....Let's do this thing."

"There you are Elwin. You can't hide from me.

You sparkly shoes are poking out of that door a little bit too far, and...…..



For sure I thought you were right here?"


"Talisman, how far down do you think this Hole goes? To another World...…another Universe?"