Game of Life

"Wooo there. Need a hand to steady their?

"Thanks, Elwin.

Was about to drop it all over the floor and have millions of pieces scattered."

"I can see that.

That would not be fun….."

"With shoes.....or without."

"Where'd you run off to?"

"My household wants to set me up on a date."

"Did you find one?"

"Still looking."

"Elwin, you can't wait forever."

"But I'm so young, that forever feels infinite."

"Trust me, it's not.

Look at this Statue for example."

".....It's not finished."

"We can see that, but before you know it; blink your eyes, and it will be."

"And it.....will…"

"So will this Kingdom, I know; and you; my dear Elwin.

But if I had to work on building this statue alone; well, you saw…

I'd be sprawling concrete and boulders all over this pavement.

Just saying that although I can't stand these guys sometimes."

"Hey now."

"I'm happy that they are here.

Every once in a while, we stop working, and just talk."

"About what?"


Just as long as it gets our minds off of our backs."

"I see."

"You'll find your dashing King, and when you do; we'll be rejoicing."

"But not as much as you will be."


May I...."

"Oh.. Oh yes. Sorry about this stuff blocking your path inside.

Here you go, Elwin."

"Keep up the hard work, boys and girls."

"We will.

You'll be surprised."

"I know I will."


"Oops, sorry, Elwin. Almost knocked you over.

Didn't see you there. My fault."

"Not your fault at all. I....should have slowed down and watched more carefully.


She said you made a lot of progress on this place, but I wasn't expecting this."

"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it.

Whe…..ahh...Where did you get all of this?"

"Oh, you know. It's just odds and ends.

We all pitched in, really."

Would've given it to Shelters, but ...."

"No. No. This is good.

Thanks for everything.

Have you...Ohhh.

Who'd you get to redo the floor? Must have taken all night."

"He didn't sleep. Something this cool...…was definitely worth it."

"What about the Paint?"

"We left that too….Ummm.....The Heartchilds.

They said they had a few ideas they would like to pass by you."

"Can't wait to hear them, but they don't need to ask my permission."

"They aren't. They are just.....seeking another pair of eyes."

"Where are they?

I'd love to talk colors. There is no way you can make those dreary."

"Ummm...…I don't know."


"They didn't show up today, and none of us has seen them."