
"You mean….... you can't be responsible; but they're not a threat.

We know the reason why they are coming back."

"Then it's a good thing we have her locked up."

"You put too much faith in her. What if we locked you up right beside her? You still think she is the problem?"

"Well. I.....I would trust her to pro...…..

That's beside the point. The point is...…"


And if you're not a Staff, or a Kid...….THEN GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!"

"I recognize that voice.

Rainbow, what are you doing here, so far away from home?"

"I could ask you guys and girls the same thing."

"Moe!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh thank God, you're all right.

We were worried sick about you. Come over here and give me a hug so that I can feel your warm embrace.



"You're not gonna go?

You did what you said you were.

I told you that once you help me, you can go; so now that you have; I am not going to keep you."


"........But I'm not done helping."

"Neither am I."

"Darius, what are you....

Should've never trusted those Circus clowns and just locked you and your family up just like Ruby."

"What did you say?"

"Darius, come back here; by the Elephant.

Don't do anything you will regret later."

"No, I want to hear this.

Tell me, what...did you....say?"

"He just said that he is happy to see you again and wishes he would have met you in person instead of seeing face to face like this."

"You better be sorry, you big overly-sized meany."

"Darius, what are you doing?"

"Ruby never did anything wrong to deserve to be locked up; but you know what. If you're gonna have to lock her up, then you're gonna have to lock me too."

"Darius, whatever you're planning. Stop."

"I aint afraid of no kid."

"I'm not a kid."

"Darius, nooooooooooo."




"My nose. My nose.

Aaaaagh, it's bleeding all the way down my lips.

Somebody, grab that boy at once I order you.

Grab that boy."






"Let go of my fists, Heartchild."

"If you're gonna punch him, then you're gonna have to go through me."

"And me."

"And me."

"....And me."

"..................And me."

"Moe, son; what are you doing? This is not your fight."

"Father, everything is our fight."

"Do you know what your son just did?"

"No, but you must have hurt him extremely badly in order to make him outburst."

"He punched the King's nose to bloodstot."

"Uuuughhhhh...…..I'm gonna."


"Dad, what was that for? You didn't have to cover me."

"I know, but you'd think that with more Kings and Queens; they'd be smarter...….but just the opposite."

"......Are you going to punch me too, Ma'am?"

"The guys said I am not strong enough to, and am too modest; so I will kindly give you all to the count of three and if you're not off this Driveway once I get to three then you will wish you were somewhere else."

"What power do you have over us? You're not even a royal."

"Mothers don't need powers from Royals.


"Then what makes you think that....."


"You guys should leave before she says one.

That's when she enters Mom mode, and I'm certain that more than just your nose will be broken if you stay."
