Jacob's Ladder

"You ready, Uncle?"

"Where we headed?"

"I want to see Upfront for myself. It's been over a week, and people have been hard at work. I want to see what they have come up with.

Afterwards, I have a surprise for you."

"Don't you think that they meant this as a surprise for you?

You know, when you came out?"

"But I am out."

"Yeah, but not on your accord."

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

I'm sure they will love me there."




"Was that centerpiece expensive?

Looked to be a real Macoy table."


"Ruby, what are you...…."


Real Macoy?"

"This....isn't encrusted with real artwork?"

"Here, let me see the remainder of that a sec.

Henry, look."

"....Is....…..does that say, 'R.E'?

You draw that?"

"We all had a hand."

"So this is just a crafting table?"

"You could say that.

Just something to help us focus and stay calm while we were Transforming.

I bet if you tore down all of these walls, you'd see Artwork everywhere."


"Wait, I'm...…"


"Thanks, Henry."

"Are you sure everybody here has licenses?"

"Oh, hey, Ruby.

I can see you all the way down there.

You know, you shouldn't be here right now."

"Neither should a huge gigantic hole in my ceiling."

"Your ceiling, my floor.

It had to go. Too many Termites and holes.

Dragged up the Carpet, and saw for ourselves."

"I can see that, but shouldn't you work floor by floor?

Keep this up, and you will have nothing to stand on."

"Was K's idea? When you left, we went backwards. Then when Heartchilds disappeared, we went...."


"Technically up.

If we had the right tools and supplies then we could…."

"I'll go get them."

"No. You enjoy your day before the Majority gets here and ends it.

Just tell me where they are and I'll send a crew down to get them."

"Umm...,...That's not a good idea.

I should just accompany you. Come down to the Basement, and I'll show you where.

Could get lost down there."

"What about the floor titled 'Catwalk'?"

"Again. 'Could get lost down there.'"

"Meet you there in a flash.



This place is ginormous."

"It has to be. There are a lot of us, and a lot of stuff to store.

Welcome to the Basement.

First thing you should need is....."

"Jacob's Ladder?"


"Right here. This Ladder says Jacob's Ladder?

Can it really extend all the way to Heaven?"

"All the way to the roof, yes."



Don't touch."

"They say Jacob still haunts that ladder even to this day.

Legend has it that during a rainstorm, Jacob climbed this Ladder all the way to the roof in order to patch it up; as us Kids screamed for him to come inside.

A cloud no bigger than the size of a Nimbus, rolled by, sending hurls of lightning our way, but surprisingly; Jacob wasn't fazed.

By the time the storm stopped, Jacob was gone.

His body was nowhere to be found."