Ornamental Onion

"Ruby, before we go into the Classrooms, please...tell us your secrets?

Why weren't you scared?"

"Should I have been?"

"Yes. Their numbers are way more than ours, but yet; you acted as if we were more. How?"

".....You all are soft."


"Oh, I'm supposed to say more?

Ummm....You peel like an Onion.

"That was it? No tricks. No nothing. No counterattacks or..."


"You say that like it's a question. Is there a secret?"


…..Just making sure there were no technological advancements that made one more irresistible to backlash."

"I hate you."

"I hate you all too."

"So why'd you come back?"

"Who's to say I left?

I just stepped back to see if you could remember all that I taught."

"......But you didn't teach anything."

"Then you weren't paying attention.

You sure the Kids need this school and not you?"

"See for yourself.

I don't think the classrooms are big enough."

".......There's afterschool?"

"Is that for Detention, or Kids who didn't do their homework?"

"I was in it. Not as bad as you think.

What about Nightschool?"

"Is it a sleepover?"

"At a school?"

"I don't know. Could be fun.

Kinda like what we did in Preschool, but we all have enough money to bring our own sleeping bags if we want to."

"Preschool? Sleeping? Duty? Bags?

Oh man."


"You guys need a Principle in a bad way."

"We do. Our Principle is to raise kids the right way and not to….."

"Woooo….wooo…wooo. Let me stop you right there.

A Principle is way different than a school mission statement.

A Principle...….you know. Not a tag that everyone follows, but a physical person who makes sure School runs smoothly."

"Well that's you.

Unless.....you have somewhere else to be?

Didn't you come back to life to relax with Darius, not get sucked back into your old life?"

"Well, until someone else fills my shoes, then you need to find yourself a new Principle.

And Hall monitor won't do."

"You mean Group leader?


We'll find all these people, but you need to find someone too."

"If you're talking about a boy, then no. I leave that in Elwins hands."

"No. Not a boy. A protigee. An apprentice. A...…a...….Your heir so to speak.

Someone to pass your knowledge and experience onto so that you don't have to face this life alone."

"And have them face it with me?"

"Well.....they could offer new insight.

Just try.


If you won't do it for me, then will you do it for the Kids?"

"............You really don't like me.

You said you hated us.

I promise you, if you can find one; then you can live the rest of your life peacefully with Darius.

Is that what you want?"