
"I can't guarantee either of your requests for one; I don't think people are patient enough."


"And two; I am not going to have first responders walking around in their Pj's."

"Dang it.

You know what this means, Mom?"

"I know."

"What? What does it....what are you talking about?"

"We would make terrible queens."

"Maybe for the best we left."

"Don't say that. I'm sure that...…..

Oh....You're joking with me now. I can see your smiles."

"Elwin; if you don't laugh now, then when?"

"......I have a lot to learn."

"That's what Kain is for."

"He is?"

"I am?"

"I slowed down thanks to my mom."

"And I slowed down thanks to my husband.

No offense, Ruby; but I love him more."

"Oh, I think I got it. The one you truly love, will inspire you the most?"

"Something like that."

"Hey, your necklace. It just changed color. From Pink, to Violet, to Purple, and back to Violet."

"Then that means...…"



"Sorry, I am just starting to train her.

I'll clean up the mess."

"Elwin, you really don't have to. I'll just...Oh....Ok.

Here you go."

"Thank you."

"Wait. You can't take mine yet. I haven't….."

"Hurry, Kain. Hurry."

*Slurrppp…..slurrrpppp…slruppp, slurppp….sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrp*


Now you can."


"I' right back."

"Ruby, I told you I'll...."

"What's up?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you trying to butter us up, cause if you are then you can just leave.

First you talk to me like old friends, barge into my house."

"You let me."

"Chat away like nothing happened, and now you're washing our dishes?"

"Just seeing how I can serve."

"You want something from me, don't you?

Take didn't come all this way just to see me off."

"That's not true."

"Your Talisman.

In order to get it working, you had to make right what was wrong; but I wonder... did you do it for me; or just come here for you?"


You really do know all."

"Not all, but enough. Whenever time is relevant, it does come to me."

"So tell me what I should do."

"Just keep washing the dishes and I'll dry."

"Thanks, but I meant about my Kingdom."

"I am."

"..............What do you think they're talking about in there?"

"Oh I'm sure they have a lot to catch up on.
