Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it


"Is it morning already?"





This is not how I pictured my first full day without my Seed.

Yes I did give Elwin her logbook, then went home…..slept; and came back that night for Smores, afraid of what would happen if I showed my face more. But here...….'

"Why didn't you stay on your side of the bed...…like you were supposed to?"

"Kids, stop jumping on the bed and get dressed."

".........I'm a nobody.

Let's see what we got packed for the day.

No. No. No….Oooo, that's.....No.

Too flashy.

Too overbearing."

"Tooo...….hey now. That aint half bad.

...…..But my TV still is.

Hope he made it home safe.


"Cause my tummy is taking off.

When did he say Breakfast….."

"Oh shoot.

I have twenty minutes left.

I never sleep in. I never sleep in.

What's wrong with me?"

"Good morning, Ruby.

How was your sleep last night?

Was the Ac to your liking? I heard something broke and didn't know if I should...."

"The Ac was fine. Thank you.

But you may need to invest in a new TV."

"I can't wait.

Breakfast is to your left, once you make the cross down that hall.

Pool is to the right."


"Oh, but please don't eat too much."

"Why? What's wrong? Is it bad or something?"

"Gosh no. It is completely harmless to me, but if you plan on riding some more Dragons today; I heard their top speed is faster than a jet.

Don't want you throwing up what you just ate, and then…..'ALL HAIL, RUBY'.

Watch out."

"Dragons, you say?

Well, if you see one; can you save me a seat?"



"Kid, don't mind them. They are the regular Hooligans around here.

Most people don't know what exists...….OUTSIDE OF THERE OWN FOUR WALLS!!!!!!"

"Eheeem. Sorry."

"Thanks, but their will be no Dragon riding today.

Mine is all the way back with his pack, and I don't think he's ready yet to meet your kind of people."

"Ah. I see, but still...please be mindful."


"Guys.....Guys....look who is finally up?

It's Dragonrider; oh great protector of plants, Nature, and anything that lives and breathes.

Here to save our dying souls?

We need water. We need water. Please, we thirst!!!!"

"......Two eggs please?"

"Sunny-side up, Hardboiled, Poached or..."

"I'll just take two sunny-side ups, please."

"Only two!!!!

By the amount of Dragon Eggs you eat, I'm sure you could take six."

"......You know, it's not too late to switch hotels."

"If people kept running from their problems, then nothing would get solved."

"True, but whoever said you had to go through life alone?

In the time it takes you to come back to this Hotel, you will have all new rommmates.


Your features don't look like you want the help."

"No. I do. Really. It's just...…"

"No Human was made to take on life with one hand.....even two...…but four.

That's how God made us."


"Ooo. Your eggs are done. Here you go.

Will that be all?"

"Pancakes, a banana, and uhhh....some...…Oooo….what are they called?




Would you like a yogurt to go with that?"